What I've been up to
- Website overhauled Nov 2023
After a year of my website initially being launched, I decided to overhaul the design of the website to make it more visually appealing manageable to maintain for the future.
The main changes to the website were:
- Using SCSS to make the CSS more manageable
- A much cleaner and more modern design
- Self hosted on a VPS, to allow for more customisation
- Placement (3rd year) Jul 2023
As part of my university degree, I was offered to undertake a placement year in a professional environment in order to gain applicable real work experience. This is an excellent opportunity for me to grow both professionally and personally by solving real problems in the workplace in a team of knowledgeable people.
I am currently working at Ovarro as a Software Engineer, working on a variety of projects, utilising a range of technologies including Java, C++, TypeScript, Bash and more.
- Website launched Oct 2022
After purchasing my domain in 2020, I finally created a website to host what I've been up to and my projects. The initial design of the website was quite simple, but I plan to redesign it in the future to make it more visually appealing.
The website was written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, however, the source code was quite messy and unorganised, so I was never able to make any significant changes to the website.
- Raytracer project Sep 2022
I started a long term project to create a ray tracing engine to create photorealistic images by physically simulating light.
This host program is written in C++, while the rendering code is written using OpenCL to run on the GPU, utilising its parallel processing power.
It's still in occasional development, and I come back to do more work on it time to time, with plans to add several new features in the future.
To this day, this is the project I am most proud of and is likely the most technical work I have undertaken.
- University (2nd year) Sep 2022
My second year of my degree contained the following modules:
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Mathematics 1
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Operating Systems
- Relational Databases and Web Integration
- Team Project 2
I thoroughly enjoyed my second year and was interested in some new topics that went deep into topics, such as operating systems and how they work at a low level.
- University (1st year) Sep 2021
My first year of my degree contained the following modules:
- Computer Organisation and Architecture
- Computer Science and Mathematics
- Computer Network Fundamentals
- Software Design and Development
- Team Project 1
I very much enjoyed my first year at university and was excited to learn about completely new topics such as setting up and managing computer networks.